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Cibus Naturalis Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Bonum Cardiovasculares Health

Cibus Naturalis Gradus Red Yeast Rice Pulvis Bonus Pro Cardiovasculari Salus est summus qualitas alimentorum supplementum per oryzae fermentatum cum Monasco purpureo. Hoc productum est naturalis fons plurium compositorum salubrium, quae sanitatem cardiovascularem promovent. Dissimile nonnullis syntheticis Rubrum Fermentum Rice, Naturalis Cibus Grade Rubrum Fermentum Rice Pulvis est 100% purus. Est etiam cibi gradus, id est tutus ad phthisin et in cibo potest adhiberi.
depictio producti

Red fermentum Rice pulveris cardiovasculares salutem Nulla

1.Product introduction of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health


Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health is a high-quality dietary supplement made from Monascus purpureus. This product is a natural source of several beneficial compounds that promote cardiovascular health. Unlike some synthetic Red Yeast Rice, Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder is 100% pure. It is also food-grade, meaning it is safe for consumption and can be used in food.


This product contains naturally occurring compounds such as Monacolins, sterols, and unsaturated fatty acids which are known to lower LDL cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation. The monacolin K in red yeast rice powder is a substance that is chemically identical to lovastatin, a prescription medication used to treat high cholesterol. Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder can help regulate blood pressure and support overall cardiovascular health. It also has antioxidant properties that help protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. This product is easy to use and can be incorporated into daily meals or taken as a dietary supplement. It is gluten-free and non-GMO, making it a safe and healthy dietary option for individuals with dietary restrictions.


Overall, Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder is a unique and natural source of compounds that support cardiovascular health and provide antioxidant benefits. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of ways to provide numerous health benefits.


2.Advantages of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health

Here are some additional advantages of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder that make it a unique and innovative supplement for promoting cardiovascular health:


(1) Health Benefits Beyond Cholesterol: While the cholesterol-lowering effects of Red Yeast Rice Powder are well-documented, this supplement also has other health benefits for the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that Red Yeast Rice Powder can improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and support healthy blood sugar levels.


(2) Improved Bioavailability: Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder is specially formulated for improved bioavailability, which means that the active compounds in the supplement are more easily absorbed by the body. Hoc potest optimum beneficium cardiovascularum supplementi et certum esse ut maximum ex singulis dose s accipias.


(3) Safe Alternative to Synthetic Medications: For individuals who do not want to take synthetic medications to manage their cholesterol levels, Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder is a safe and natural alternative. Hoc supplementum omnia beneficia statinium syntheticarum sine potentialis effectis lateris offert.


(4) Suitable for Different Dietary Needs: Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder is suitable for individuals following different dietary needs, including vegans and those on gluten-free diets. This makes it an accessible supplement for people with various dietary preferences.


(5) Proven Effectiveness: Studies have shown that Red Yeast Rice Powder is effective in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood, which is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Hoc addit ad auxilium credibilitatem et auxiliat ad certamen quod beneficia promisit.


Overall, Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder is an innovative and unique supplement for promoting cardiovascular health. With its broad range of benefits, improved bioavailability, and suitability for various dietary needs, this supplement is a safe and effective way to support your cardiovascular health.


3. The Difference between Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health for Cardiovascular Health and Statins


(1). Different ingredients make different lipid-lowering effects


Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder promoting cardiovascular health contains a natural statin called Monacolin K,which has two forms: lactone form and acid form. The latter is more effective in lowering cholesterol levels as it can selectively target the liver and is already in its active form.Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder, which contains the acid form, Efectos lipido humiliationis elevavit a facie alterorum componentium active, sicut HMG-COA reductase inhibitores, flavonoides, et macrosacides non saturatis. These components work synergistically by reducing cholesterol absorption, enhancing excretion, and reducing exogenous cholesterol levels, leading to a more comprehensive lipid-lowering effect.


(2). Differentiae ingredientia carga diversa in hepatis faciunt


Monacolin K duas formas habet: formam lactonem et acidam formam. Formam lactonem activationem necessarium est effectam esse, qui onerem in liver a ponet. In contrast, the acid form is already active and has a specific transport system that delivers it directly to the liver, reducing the risk of liver damage. Therefore, the use of the acid form of Monacolin K is considered safer and more friendly to liver.


(3). Different production methods


The process of statins involves steps such as acidification, filtration, extraction, concentration, and crystallization. Multi chemical raw materiales in reactione involventur, et reliquia reagentium chemical inevitabile est.


In contrast, natural food grade red yeast rice powder good for cardiovascular health promoting cardiovascular health uses a combination of traditional and modern biotechnology. Natural food grade red fermentum pulverem fermentum fermentum fermentum Monascus purpureus pro cardiovascular sanitate utilit. After sterilization and dry, the final product is obtained without any extraction, concentration, or other chemical processes. Therefore, no chemical reagents are used in the production of natural food grade red rice powder good for cardiovascular health.

4.Different Names of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health



Red Kojic Rice Powder


Functional Red Kojic Rice Powder


Red Rice


Fermented Rice


Fermented Red Rice Powder


Red Yeast Rice


Red Yeast Rice Powder


Red Yeast Rice Extract


Functional Red Yeast Rice


Red Rice Kojic


Monascus Purpureus Powder


Fermented Red Yeast Rice Powder


Fermented Rice Powder


Red Rice Fermented


Red Rice Powder


Organic Red Yeast Rice Powder



5.Specification of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health




Monacolin K (HPLC)

0.1~5.0 %


Brown red to dark purplish red powder

Loss on Drying

≤7.0 %


≤5.0 %

Particle Size

As required by the customer


≤1.0 ppm


≤1.0 ppm


≤1.0 ppm


≤0.1 ppm


≤50 ppb

Aflatoxin B1 

≤5 ppb

Aflatoxin (B1, B2, C1, C2)

≤10 ppb

Total Plate Count 

≤1000 CFU/g

Total Moulds and Yeasts  

≤100 CFU/g

Total Coliforms 

≤0.3 MPN/g

Bile-tolerant Gram-negative Bacteria

≤100 CFU/g

E. Coli




Staphylococcus Aureus 



≤10 ppb

Sum PAH 4

≤50 ppb



Ethylene Oxide(sum ethylene oxide and 2-chloro-ethanol )



Complies with the food European regulation

Statement : The product is not irradiated, non-GMO and free of allergens.


6.Product process of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health


 Naturalis Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good pro Cardiovasculares Health


7.Product packaging of Natural Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Good for Cardiovascular Health


 Naturalis Food Grade Red Yeast Rice Powder Bonum Cardiovasculares Health


Packing: 25kg/drum, inner by food-grade plastic bag.

Storage: In loco arida sub cubiculo temperatura, abscondite a luce forte et calore.

Life:2 years when properly stored.

Red fermentum Rice pulveris

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